Category Archives: List Building Tips

Hot List Building Tips

Here are some hot list-building tips for you to grow your list and your business. 1. Offer an outstanding gift or bonus for subscriptions. Not too long ago, any kind of a free gift or bonus was more than enough to get subscribers. In fact, in many cases, no “bribe” was needed at all! But, as more and more marketers began to send emails and ezines, and as spam increased, prospects began to be more discerning about whom they gave their email address to. To really be […]

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List Building 101

The process of list building may best be defined as a worldwide Rolodex. You have information to share, but it’s hard to let people know about it if your ‘Rolodex’ is empty. List building is the process of gathering email addresses for the purpose of sending information, offers and other marketing information to clients and potential customers. It might be tempting to gather all the email addresses you have in your email account and place them on a list to receive your information. You might also think […]

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How List Building Compliments SEO

A discussion of why search engine optimization is not enough and how you can maximize your sales by using it in tandem with a good list-building campaign. SEO brings customers who have been led to you by mathematics. List-building brings you people who have already expressed interest in subscribing to your informational products or who have already expressed interest in buying your products and services. These are true targeted buyers that you can rely on to revisit your site just because you interest them. You can use […]

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