How To Explode Your Mailing List With Key List building Strategies

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No matter how good your product is or how much you have to offer, it wont be of much use unless you have in front of you a ready group of people who are already interested in your stream of business. Whether you are a novice in the internet business or a pro, one thing you cannot survive without in this industry is a good mailing list.

When I tried my hand at internet business a couple of years ago, my first product was an ebook. I tried everything in my power to make it a good product. The content was comprehensive, the banners were theme-related and everything, from the text to the tables included was done by me with precision.

The next step came of marketing the product. I wrote several articles about my subject and posted them in various article directories, contacted joint-venture partners and searched for affiliate programs. Even then in the end, I did not make as much profit of it as I could have made.

What went wrong? The answer is that time I did not have a mailing list as such with me. I did not have a group of interested people to whom I could introduce my products to and that’s where the importance of having a good mailing list comes in. Let us run through some basic yet key advantages of having a mailing list, which every internet business owner swears by.

Your mailing list is your instant profit ticket, provided you have developed a good relation with them by giving them good targeted information every time. Whenever you want to launch your new product, you already have potential customers in the form of your list to which you can introduce your product and get instant sales.

Also when you regularly write to your subscribers, you develop a trust in them, which is very important because only when they trust you will they be willing to give you their hard earned money to gain valuable information. And to maintain this trust it is very important for us as internet business owners to provide our list with genuine and useful information. Ask yourself the question, would you buy this product? If the answer is yes, then most probably the answer will be yes for your list too.

Now let us look at some good ways of building your targeted list.

There is a concept called ad-swapping. It’s very simple. What you do is find other ezine producers who are promoting a similar product to yours, and approach them. You strike a deal with them where in you put their ezine ad in your newsletter and they put your ezine ad in theirs. That way you both get instant bulk subscribers and that too targeted ones. In case you don’t have any subscribers to start with, you can offer your product to an ezine publisher in return for advertising your ezine in his newsletter.

One very easy way of getting targeted traffic is to promote your ezine in ezine directories. Just submit your ezine in one the ezine directories with an impressive description of your ezine.

Another very sure of way of increasing your list is by submitting articles related to your product in article directories. Remember that it is not advertising. You need to put in useful and informative extracts about your subject, form it into a good article and post it in various article directories. Over time many people who are interested in the subject will read your article, and if the information is useful, they will click on your link in the resource box to know more about it and that’s when you can tell them to sign up to your newsletter.

You can also create a blog about your product and place your opt in form on it. You might need to market your blog first so as to drive traffic to it.

One of the ways, which has helped me a lot in gaining a good number of subscribers, is participating in a Give-Away Event. All it is, is a group of internet marketers participate in this event. They each offer a free gift on a website and in order for people to get the free gift, they need to join their email list. It’s a very simple way by which you can gain a huge amount of opt-ins to your list. You have to keep a lookout for these events. Sign up to some good newsletters, and the owner will inform you if there is any give-away event that you can participate in.

These are just a few ways in which you can steadily increase the amount of people in your list and thereby progress in the number of sales you are making.

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